Our activities are focused on:

Благодійний Фонд "Мрію Жити" Допомога Дітям з ДЦП


Благодійний Фонд "Мрію Жити" Допомога Дітям з ДЦП

The charity fund "Dream to Live" supports all Ukrainian children and especially helps those who suffered from military actions

February 24, 2022 changed the lives of millions of families... Someone had to leave their homes, settlements and go to other regions of the country. Someone was left without parents...Today almost every second child needs our attention, because no one is insured and never knows when trouble will come to his house

The least help is better
than great compassion itself

Help for children

7 — копия

Реабілітації дітям ДЦП

Харчування для дітей
Food for children
Заасоби гігієни

Hygiene products

Продуктові набори для малозабезпечених сімей

Продуктові набори

Help for UA Armed Forces

Автівки та комплектуючі

Cars and components

Дрон зі сбросом
Drone with reset
Побутове обладнання

Household equipment



Our team

The real power that creates good is in the ability to support the weak and give hope to the one who is in despair.
You can't wait for abstract heroes. A hero, a savior, a guardian angel, a good Samaritan lives in the soul of each of us. However, where one person lacks the strength to fight, a group of caring and determined people can change everything. By joining forces, we are able to multiply good a million times. Everything is in our hands and hearts.

Thank you very much.
Founder and chairman of the foundation,
Iryna Popovska

Iрина Поповська
Благодійний Фонд "Мрію Жити" Допомога Дітям з ДЦП
Deputy Head of the Foundation

Svetlana Seredyuk

Наталія Галько
Manager, graphic designer

Natalia Galko

Діана Романюк
Manager, copywriter

Diana Romanyuk

We have been working professionally in charity for 11 years and we do it with joy, because our work is a chance to change someone's life. This makes us wake up every morning and rush to do good deeds!

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Благодійний Фонд "Мрію Жити" Допомога Дітям з ДЦП

School dream 2024

Charitable Foundation “Dream to Live” Project for children with disabilities (cerebral palsy/racial disorder) in Kyiv and Kyiv region - “School Dream” Children with disabilities

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