Dear friends!
Запрошуємо Вас на неймовірний, урочистий захід Mama Special 2023, на честь мам, які виховують дітей з інвалідністю, змінюють наш світ та всупереч долі, дивують своїм характером і є показовим прикладом для багатьох!
This magical holiday, which took place last year for the first time in the city of Kyiv, was the start of the annual award ceremony for heroic mothers from different regions of Ukraine.
At the event, we are waiting for:
– ceremony of awarding female nominees for nominations in various spheres of their successful activities;
– Fashion show with the participation of heroic mothers;
– holiday show of stars;
– entertainment program for children (animators, master classes, gifts, etc.);
– buffet and networking;
- raffle of gifts from the best brands;
- the best photographers and mass media of the capital.
– Fashion show with the participation of heroic mothers;
– holiday show of stars;
– entertainment program for children (animators, master classes, gifts, etc.);
– buffet and networking;
- raffle of gifts from the best brands;
- the best photographers and mass media of the capital.
Долучайтесь до доброї справи, неймовірного значущого благодійного заходу Mama Special 2023, яке несе у наш світ добро та надію.
Guests of the event: politicians, businessmen, philanthropists, representatives of partners, public figures, etc.
Dress code to impress.
10 серпня 2023 року
Time: 16.00-21.00
Time: 16.00-21.00
Готель «Софіївський Посад»
Iryna Popovska is the founder and head of the “Dream to Live” charitable foundation.
Iryna Popovska is the founder and head of the “Dream to Live” charitable foundation.
Media accreditation:
Contacts for registration, cooperation and partnership:
– 0972277850 – Iryna Popovska, head of the fund;
– 0675377828 – Svitlana Seredyuk, deputy head of the fund.
Entry is by INVITATION only!
Atmosphere of the "Mama Special 2021" ceremony:
Espreso.TV news story about the "Mama Special 2021" ceremony:
Презентація українською Presentation in English
Video from the event
Репортаж від Оперативна Україна інфо