Ignatenko Anton
The collection is closed
- Born on September 26, 2004
- with. Birkivka, Chernihiv region
Diagnosis: Achondroplasia
Vladyslav Kanyukov
The collection is closed
- Born on 06.03.2009
- Khmelnytskyi
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
Bilyk Valery
The collection is closed
- Born on August 12, 2013.
- Kryvyi Rih city
Diagnosis: Spastic tetraparesis with persistent motility disorders. Cerebral palsy, ZPRR
Буалі Мохамед
The collection is closed
- 29.03.2014 р.н.
- Kharkiv city
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
Стасюков Саша
The collection is closed
- 23.08.2010 р.н.
- m. Kyiv
Diagnosis: Енцефалопатія з епілептичним статусом під час сну. Синдром ESES. Генералізовані напади, включаючи падіння
Еліна Вікторія
The collection is closed
- 05.08.2012 р.н.
- м. Мелітополь
Diagnosis: ДЦП, спастичний тетрапарез, затримка психо-мовного розвитку
Vainagii Artem
The collection is closed
- Born on October 6, 2012
- Poltava
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy Spastic form
Куруц Девід
The collection is closed
- 06.11.2007 р.н.
- м. Луцьк
Diagnosis: ДЦП, спастичний тетраперез з затримкою статокінетичного розвитку
Фендак Артур
The collection is closed
- 14.07.2006 р.н.
- с. Доброгостів
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis
Sonechka Tkachenko
The collection is closed
- Born on 02.03.2010
- Zaporozhye
Diagnosis: Congenital malformation of the central nervous system, encephaly, hydrocephalus, lethargic tetraplegia, pseudobulbar syndrome. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. Consequences of hip dysplasia: aseptic necrosis of the right femoral head. Delay in mental, statokinetic and language development. Equinovarus deformity of the feet. Partial atrophy of the optic nerve. High myopia. The squint goes away
Когут Федір
The collection is closed
- 25.01.2006 р.н.
- m. Kyiv
Diagnosis: ДЦП. Спастичний лівобічний геміпарез
Dmytro Hrushka
The collection is closed
- Born on 11.06.2004
- with. Dobrivlians
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, an atonic-astatic form, is expressed by persistent movement disorders in the limbs. Delay in psychomotor development