Єрмольєва Анастасія
The collection is closed
- 18.01.2013 р.н.
- m. Kyiv
Diagnosis: ДЦП, подвійна геміплегія, затримка психічного та мовного розвитку
30000 ₴
30000 ₴
Androsov Ivan
The collection is closed
- Born on November 1, 2008
- Zaporozhye
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis
Radko Veronika
The collection is closed
- Born on 05/29/2019
- Kryvyi Rih city
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
Careful Denys
The collection is closed
- Born on 26.10.2015
- Kryvyi Rih city
Diagnosis: VUI, congenital pneumonia, posthemorrhagic meningitis, convalescence, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Internal hydrocephalus, spastic tetraparesis with marked impairment of motor functions. Flat-valgus feet. Symptomatic epilepsy
Georgy Haustov
The collection is closed
- Born on 07.12.2015
- Kharkiv city
Diagnosis: West syndrome, spastic cerebral palsy, symptomatic epilepsy, partial atrophy of the optic nerves of both eyes, delay of all developmental rates, systemic underdevelopment of speech
Yevgeny Minaev
The collection is closed
- Born on 10.07.2015
- Kupyansk. Kharkiv region
Diagnosis: organic CNS damage, lower paraparesis
Damian Fedoseyenko
The collection is closed
- Born on October 17, 2015
- town Hlevakha, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: Children's autism with a qualitative violation of reciprocal social interaction, communication, with social maladaptation, sensori-acoustic deficiency syndrome, systemic speech underdevelopment of the 1st level. Stereotypical forms of behavior. Cognitive impairment to the level of mild mental retardation
Elizaveta Zatorska
The collection is closed
- Born on 04/28/2014
- town Sivaske, Kherson region.
Diagnosis: damage to the central nervous system, atonic-asthenic syndrome, persistent movement disorders, delay in psycho-speech development
Yevpak Timofey
The collection is closed
- Born on 14.05.2018
- Fastiv
Diagnosis: spastic tetraparesis, cerebral palsy, atrophy of the white matter of the brain, polymicrogyria in the eastern regions, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, hearing loss of degree 4-5
Попов Микита
The collection is closed
- 16.04.2016 р.н.
- м. Северодонецьк
Diagnosis: Спастичний тетрапарез, затримка психічного та мовного розвитку на основі хромосомної патології (перебудова 22 хромосоми)
Яцик Назар
The collection is closed
- 28.10.2017 р.н.
- m. Kyiv
Diagnosis: ДЦП, правобічний геміпарез, затримка психічного і передмовного розвитку
Гришаєва Уляна
The collection is closed
- 07.02.2016 р.н.
Diagnosis: ДЦП, подвійна геміплегія зі стійкими руховими порушеннями, затримка психомовного розвитку