Ukraine has chosen the path to the EU, which means that we face an important task - to make our country more inclusive and convenient for people with disabilities. Of course, most of the tasks for implementing this goal lie with the state, but each of us can do something.
The main thing is to understand that disability is not something to hide. Every person has the right to a normal life and society is obliged to provide the opportunity for those with health problems to realize themselves and feel a full part of the community.
According to surveys on job sites, about 30% of job seekers have had problems finding employment due to their disability. Therefore, some of them hide the fact that they have special needs. And this needs to change.
Of course, creating inclusive workplaces is an additional cost for the employer, because not only the employee's workplace, but also common rooms should be inclusive. To encourage employers to create inclusive spaces, the state should introduce additional incentives for business. This works successfully in the European Union countries.
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