Sonechka Tkachenko

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Sonechka Tkachenko
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- Sonechka Tkachenko
- Born on 02.03.2010
- Zaporozhye
- Diagnosis:
- Congenital malformation of the central nervous system, encephaly, hydrocephalus, lethargic tetraplegia, pseudobulbar syndrome. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. Consequences of hip dysplasia: aseptic necrosis of the right femoral head. Delay in mental, statokinetic and language development. Equinovarus deformity of the feet. Partial atrophy of the optic nerve. High myopia. The squint goes away
The parents of Tkachenko Sonechka appeal to all caring people for help in raising funds for the rehabilitation of their daughter, who is disabled since childhood.
Parents have been waiting for a child for almost eighteen years. Mother was diagnosed with infertility. And then a miracle happened! After many attempts to get pregnant (long years of hormone therapy, surgical interventions, etc.), pregnancy occurred. The pregnancy passed without any particular complications, nothing foreshadowed trouble, but on the 25th week, the ultrasound showed problems in the development of the fetus. There was not even a word about abortion! Sonechka was born by caesarean section with a weight of 4530 g, a height of 53 cm, and an Appgar score of 6-7. The child was taken from the maternity hospital to the neonatal intensive care unit of City Hospital No. 5.
And the difficult weekdays of the family began. When the child was taken out of the maternity hospital in an ambulance, the mother cried constantly, because she expected to leave the maternity hospital in a completely different way - with balloons, flowers, smiles of relatives, and most importantly, with a healthy baby in her arms! Sofia spent 12 days in intensive care. Even then, the family's budget was shaken and cracked (purchase of expensive drugs, catheters, probes, etc.). After resuscitation, the child was transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit (neonatal pathology department). And here the mother learned how to take care of such a special child (feeding through a tube, medication by the hour). Sonya was discharged home after 1.5 months. This time seemed like an eternity to the mother, the girl was given diagnosis after diagnosis (now Shirshevsky-Turner syndrome, then hypothyroidism). But there were no improvements in the child's behavior and general condition.
Sonya was in the hospital every month, her immunity was weakened, and every attempt to visit the clinic ended with an acute respiratory infection and obstructive bronchitis. But the parents were not going to give up and are not going to give up to this day! And so the parents' attempts to "put the child on his feet" began!!! Constant massages at home and physical therapy, medication, swimming pool, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, hippotherapy, this is Sonya's permanent life. But the belief that Sonia will walk on her own does not leave the child's mother. At the age of 6, Sofia confidently holds her head, sits, stands independently, but with help, does not walk by herself, crawls! He tries to talk, he understands everything - he knows his relatives, he knows toys. Knows and asks to eat yum-yum. Sonya really wants to walk like her peers, watch cartoons, play with her peers! During this time, Sonechka underwent many rehabilitation methods, we listened to many experts' opinions - the child has potential, there is a desire to overcome the disease!!!
Details of the fund for assistance
Code 39333086, MFO 305299
Hryvnia IBAN
Dollar IBAN
PrivatBank card
Raiffeisen Bank Aval:
Code 39333086, MFO 380805
Hryvnia IBAN
Code 21133352, MFO 322001
Hryvnia IBAN
Purpose of payment: Charitable assistance