Vainagii Artem

Вайнагій Артем

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Vainagii Artem

cerebral palsy Spastic form


   Artemka was born at 32 weeks, weighing 1960. When he was born, he did not breathe for 2 minutes. He was on the device for 5 days, all in tubes. You couldn't even hear him cry. At 3 months of age, the parents began to notice that the child had severe leg tremors and hypertension. They took me to a neurologist in Poltava, where they advised me to do a massage. But by the year, the child did not even try to stand on his feet, there was still muscle tone. We went to the doctor again and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a spastic form. It was very difficult for the parents, but they did not give up. Massages and physical therapy were done constantly. When we got to Truskavets for the first time according to the guide, Artem crawled, started to stand on his knees, muscle tone decreased, hands became softer, for Artemka this was a very big progress.
   They were also hospitalized in Poltava in neurology, undergoing a course of treatment. Then, with a lot of help from relatives, they entered the Truskavets clinic for the second course, but after that they did not notice any changes, neither worse nor better. 

 Thanks to the constant work of doctors and parents, Artyom began to walk, although he was not good with a walker, but he walked, and when his legs started to hurt, he was put in a stroller. Artem went to kindergarten and went to the first grade, now he is 8 years old. But now it is very difficult for him to walk, as the muscles do not allow him to stand on his legs, and he feels severe pain. Having recently come home from school with his brother, he sat in the room and asked his brother "why my legs don't obey?", for my mother it was like a knife in the heart. The parents were given hope that their son would be able to stand on his feet - this is to perform an operation using the Uzilbat technique (muscle cutting). At the moment, there is a chance to be operated on in the city of Sumy by experienced doctors who come from the city of Tula, the required amount for the operation is 22,800 hryvnias.


Video appeal


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Details of the fund for assistance


Code 39333086, MFO 305299

Hryvnia IBAN




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PrivatBank card

5169 3351 0055 9331

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Code 39333086, MFO 380805

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Code 21133352, MFO 322001

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Purpose of payment: Charitable assistance

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